1. What should I do if I am placed on administrative leave due to an Executive Order?
Being placed on administrative leave does not mean you lose your rights as a bargaining unit employee (BUE). If you are placed on administrative leave, we recommend bookmarking our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and saving our Gmail address ([email protected]), so you can reach out to us through your personal accounts. Be sure to save your important personnel documents, such as your performance reviews and SF-50 form.
2. Does our CBA provide any specific protections for remote work or telework?
No, our Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) does not provide specific protections for remote work or telework. We are working with the agency to update the CBA and will continue to advocate for remote work and telework.
3. What happens if my remote work agreement is canceled?
According to Manual Section 633, if the agency cancels your remote work agreement, you will have 60 calendar days from the date you are notified to return to your official worksite, which is HQ in Washington, DC for most employees. If you are not available for duty during this 60-day period, you would be required to take leave.
If your remote work agreement is terminated for reasons other than performance, the agency would be responsible for any costs associated with relocation to your official worksite.
Unfortunately, the agency removed MS 633 due to the White House’s Executive Order: Return to In-Person Work without consulting our Union, so we recommend reviewing your remote work agreement for specifics.
As of January 31, the agency has only confirmed that they will conduct a review of all remote positions to determine an implementation plan and timeline to meet the requirements of the RTO memorandum, including exemptions granted by the agency head. The Union has the right to review and negotiate policy updates and will likely take full advantage of that right once they propose an updated policy.
4. Will employees with disabilities be required to report to work in-person?
Employees with disabilities may request a reasonable accommodation to be exempt from in-person work requirements, but there is no guarantee the agency will approve it. Please contact the agency's reasonable accommodation contact for more information.
5. Does the Union recommend accepting the Deferred Resignation offer?
No, we do not recommend accepting the offer at this time. Neither OPM nor Peace Corps have the legal authority to offer 8 months of pay if an employee resigns by the February 6 deadline. Please review AFSCME’s handout on the Deferred Resignation Program for further guidance.
6. What are my rights as a probationary employee?
Our CBA’s Article 18 outlines your rights as a probationary employee. Probationary or trial periods last 1 year. When a supervisor determines that an employee’s performance is unsatisfactory, the supervisor will issue a termination notice at least fifteen 15 days in advance of the proposed date of termination stating the reasons therefor. The employee cannot be fired arbitrarily but must be for the reasons described. A termination notice cannot be given during the first 30 days of a trial period. You have the right to review the decision with management, presenting reasons why the termination should not be effected, and be accompanied by a Union representative. Please review Article 18 for a complete understanding of your rights.
7. Can I request Union representation if my supervisor schedules a meeting that may lead to disciplinary action or my termination?
Yes, our Weingarten Rights provide us the right to Union representation if a discussion with management could any way lead to disciplinary action or termination. Without Union representation, you may decline to answer any questions.
Please reach out to us at [email protected] or [email protected] if you have additional questions. We also recommend downloading your eOPF using the provided instructions and saving at least the last several months of your Earning and Leave Statements. And as a friendly reminder, do not use agency channels for personal correspondence or speculation on new policies.
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