Local 3548 Negotiations Team
Josephine McGuganJosephine McGugan is the Events Coordinator and a Union Steward. She joined the Union after having a positive experience helping to negotiate a new contract for another ASFME union in 2015. After serving in Peace Corps Albania she knew she wanted to work for Peace Corps and took a role at HQ. She currently works in Staging and Pre-Departure as a Training Specialist. She views the Union as an way to help improve and straighten Peace Corps for all.
Alixandria WarrenAlixandria Warren began as a quiet advocate for staff at Peace Corps and now she’s been elected President for the year 2022-2023. Alix joined the union because she was interested in having a voice in this agency. She started off working on committees, such as the policy and website committees. Later, joining the steward’s council as a member. She holds a B.A. in History from Milikin University and G.M.A. in International Relations from Webster University. From 2017 -2019 she served in Morocco as a Peace Corps Volunteer.
Mike BlackMike became active in the Union in early 2020 as he recognized how economic justice ties in with the broader push for social justice – and the powerful role unions can play in support of the cause. He previously served as the Secretary, and currently serves as Vice President. Prior to working for the Peace Corps, he served as a Community Economic Development Volunteer in Albania from 2017-2019, where he undertook a diverse range of activities in his community. While he misses Albania’s snow-topped mountains and ubiquitous invitations to coffee, he appreciates playing a role in inspiring the next generation of Peace Corps volunteers as the Regional Recruiter in his hometown of Boston.
Trina Van SchyndellTrina served in Peace Corps Ukraine from 2006-2008 as an education volunteer (TEFL Secondary Education). She now works as a Recruiter for the Peace Corps in the Office of Recruitment and Diversity, and her recruitment territory covers greater Chicago, greater Indianapolis, and western Indiana. She also volunteers as an Agency Duty Officer and Staging Facilitator and on several task teams and working groups. She began volunteering for the Union in 2023 as a Union Steward and as part of the CBA Negotiations Team, as well as by staffing Union office hours and providing New Employee Orientation sessions.
Renwick "Mac" McNeilRenwick "Mac" McNeil is a Recruiter for South Carolina. Mac is a retired US Air Force recruiter and has over 20 years of Recruiting/HR experience. As a military veteran, Mac has connected the military community in SC to the Peace Corps and strives to help promote PC throughout the state.