What We DoWe strive to make the Peace Corps a better place by educating employees of their rights, advocating for employees, and being a strong representative voice to management.
Educate, Collaborate, NegotiateNot everything that happens in the workplace is a violation of our CBA rights, or sometimes we don't want to file an official grievance even if those rights have been violated. The Union can help explain the law and/or other policies to you and/or management to help rectify an inadvertent wrongdoing early on.
Additionally, through the Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC), we alert management to the issues concerning employees and work as partners to address them and improve the Peace Corps. Want to learn what we're working on? Join our Union! Negotiations have officially kicked off between the Union and the Peace Corps. The Union will be renegotiating the entire Collective Bargaining Agreement. We are joined by our Council 20 Representative Lachond Holmes, as we virtually negotiate a new agreement. For updates, please look under the CBA tab, and check your emails.
File GrievancesIf you believe your supervisor or agency management have violated your rights under the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Union can represent you in filing a grievance to rectify the situation. This form is confidential and will be sent directly to union stewards.
Have a grievance? Contact us for a consultation. Representation for disciplinary action
If you have received a proposed disciplinary action, or have indication that this may happen, the Union can serve as your official representative, helping you understand the process and negotiating to ensure your fair treatment.
See: Weingarten Rights Need representation? Contact us for a consultation. |